Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce porttitor metus eget lectus consequat, sit amet feugiat magna vulputate. Phasellus iaculis tellus augue, en ultrices lacus efficitur a. Mauris a nibh erat. In sed massa sed erat consectetur convallis vel vitae felis.Vivamus in tempus erat. Cras porta nisi sit amet leo dictum, non suscipit neque tincidunt. Ut et enim ligula.
Etiam sed enim vitae magna pretium tincidunt eget vel massa. Mecenas porttitor at risus sit amet facilisis. Cras et elit id velit semper bibendum et vel purus.

Batido de arándanos para fortalecer el cerebro
Estos pequeños pero sofisticados pasteles de licuadora no solo son llamativos, sino que también están llenos de sabor. El glaseado de jarabe de romero es imprescindible para completar el perfil de sabor.
- Licuadora KitchenAid® K400
- Two 12-cup nonstick muffin pans
- Citrus zester
- Rallador de cítricos
- Sharp knife
- Pastry brush
- 1 cup Almendras enteras crudas
- 1½ tbsp fresh rosemary (stems removed)
- 1 cup harina para todo uso
- 1½ cups Queso ricotta de leche entera (room temperature)
- ⅔ cup extra virgin olive oil
- 3 grams naranjas sanguinas (small, Cara Cara, or Valencia)
- Precaliente el horno a 350ºF/180ºC/gas 4. Rocíe generosamente dos moldes para muffins de 12 tazas con aceite en aerosol. Espolvoree el fondo de cada cavidad con un par de pizcas de azúcar. Deje a un lado.
- Add almonds and rosemary to your KitchenAid® K400 Blender. Close lid, select “Ice Crush” setting, and let blender run through the setting. Scrape down the sides of the blender with a rubber spatula, then replace lid and blend on speed 5 for 10 seconds. Scrape sides again and blend on speed 5 for a final 15-20 seconds, or until almonds and rosemary are finely ground.
- Pour the almond mixture from blender in a small mixing bowl. Add all-purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Whisk to combine, and set aside.
- Place ricotta cheese, olive oil, orange zest and sugar into the blender. Pulse 5 times to incorporate. Remove the lid cap and add eggs, one at a time, pulsing once after each addition. Replace lid cap.
- Remove lid, use spatula to scrape down the sides of the bender, then add half of flour mixture to blender and pulse 2 times. Scrape down sides of blender again, then add remaining flour mixture and blend on speed 3 for 15 seconds.
- Assemble the cakes. Use a sharp knife to cut off the ends of four of the citrus fruits. Slice the citrus into very thin rounds, no thicker than 1/8". Remove any seeds from the rounds and place one small citrus round in the bottom of each sugared muffin cavity. (See Chef’s Notas for choosing/placing citrus.)
- Slowly fill each muffin cavity to a little more than halfway full. (A pastry spatula is helpful in portioning the batter from the blender and into the cavities.) Bake cakes for 20-25 minutos, rotating the pans halfway through baking. Cakes are done when a toothpick inserted into the cakes comes out clean.
Adaptación para niños: cocina el pollo en caldo en lugar de salsa búfalo. Desmenuza y escurre el exceso de líquido. Reserva un poco del pollo para los niños (simple, sin salsa) y mezcla el pollo restante con la salsa búfalo antes de asarlo.
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This was super yum and so easy! Thank you so much for sharing this great recipe!
Glad you enjoyed it, Nina!
This was great! Quick and easy and delicious flavors.
Thanks for sharing, Sukie!